Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to replace an HVAC system?

The price can range based on brand and efficiency. The national average for a basic replacement is $7,500-$12,000.00.


What is the average life of a HVAC system?

The Department of Energy recommends replacing your HVAC system after 10 years for maximum efficiency. Some newer units may last up to 15 years, so be sure to check when yours was installed and ask a professional how long it should last.


What happens during HVAC maintenance?

For heating maintenance we have a 44 point inspection form that will be utilized & documented on every heat maintenance. For AC maintenance we have a 40 point inspection form that will be utilized & documented on every AC maintenance.


What is the average cost of a furnace repair?

The average cost of a furnace repair is around $289.00. For a free estimate, give us a call at 731-424-5348!


What can cause a furnace to stop working?

  • Thermostat Not Set to On
  • Circuit Breaker Flipped
  • Clogged Air Filter
  • Access Panel to Furnace Not On Properly
  • Dirt or Other Things Blocking Furnace Air Flow
  • Burners Are Not Clean
  • Furnace Not Lubricated Properly
  • Bad Limit Switch


How do you diagnose a furnace problem?

Clean or replace air filter, troubleshoot thermostat problems — replace batteries if necessary, set thermostat to heat and at a higher temperature than the current room temperature check electrical panel for blown fuses or tripped breakers and make power switch near furnace is flipped on. If this does not resolve your issue then call us to resolve the issue.


Why is my heat pump not blowing hot air or stop working?

A dirty air filter is one of the most common causes of a heat pump not blowing hot air. As you probably know, an air filter is a little device inside your heat pump system whose job is to filter out dust, allergens, and other pollutants that come from the outside air.


How are the sizing capacities of heating and cooling systems measured?

Heating and cooling systems are sized according to their tonnage. One (1) ton equals 12,000 BTU/H. Residential systems can range from 1 to 5 tons. Sizing HVAC equipment is very important in determining your ultimate levels of comfort, cost and energy use.


What size HVAC system should I have?

To determine what size HVAC unit works best for your home, it’s important to know what type of heating or cooling system you currently have installed. If you are unable to identify what your current HVAC system is, then here are some general guidelines on what size unit is most often used for what type of heating or cooling.


How is the efficiency of heating and cooling equipment measured?

It is calculated by dividing the cooling power provided by an AC per hour by the number of watts of electricity consumed. The measurements obtained during the hottest day of the season are normally used to calculate the EER of an air conditioner.


How can I increase the efficiency and life of my home’s heating and cooling systems?


  • Adjust Your Thermostat Settings
  • Pay Attention to Curtains and Blinds
  • Clear Your Condensate Drain Line
  • Seal Air Leaks and Insulate Your Home
  • Clean Around the Condenser Unit
  • Unblock Indoor Vents
  • Schedule Preventative Maintenance

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